新作発表 創作バレエ -地球TERRA- を通じて1000年先の礎をつくる



士。 「地球人としての自覚」を1000年先の人々にも伝えられことを願い、創作バレ
今回、新楽曲Space and Energy by A-Unを基 に、新作品を発表しましたので、是
次回公演(2020/11/14予定)に向け、いろいろな国の子どもが参加します。 ロシ


 The creative ballet performance, TERRA, produced by Hiro Ishizuka, have
released its new performance with newly composed music "Space and Energy" by
A-Un. We would like to spread our message of TERRA thru the new performance
for the people after 1000 years. Each of us may look different from each
other at first, but we are all part of this beautiful planet Earth and the
same Earth People in this wide universe. Children from various countries,
such as Russia, USA, Syria, Israel and other countries, is now joining our
ballet studio TERRA in Tokyo. They participate in rehearsals of the next
performance, which is scheduled on November 14, 2020. We are also planning a
live distribution of the performance. Please join us.

振り付け 浅井永希 出演 浅井永希、庄田絢香 映像 アートディレクション 
NAOKI 音楽 A-Un (Aska Maret , Akira Ogawa ) Space and Energy 編集 笹木恵水
制作 丸山裕美(LEYLINE-RECORDS) 創作バレエ TERRA プロデュース 石塚宏一 
(TERRAS Company)